A friend recently posted this on Facebook. It touched me, and I asked if I could share it with you. Thank you Leslie McCoy-Bronson. It’s been a pleasure to watch your children play. 😉

As I sit here thinking sadly this could be my last season as a hockey mom, I think back on all the years and the memories. My family has been so blessed, hockey has introduced us to so many great people and given us so many wonderful memories. Over the years my kids have played on different teams and we have met some great people. I think back on all of the incredible experiences that we’ve had and all the opportunities that my kids have had. How lucky and blessed we are. We have met some great families and my kids have been fortunate to play with some very talented hockey players . Hockey has given us so much and been such a huge part of our lives for so long it makes me wonder what life will be like after hockey.
My kids have been fortunate to have some incredible coaches that have taught them so much more then the game of hockey. I will be forever grateful to the coaches and players that we were fortunate enough to meet and play with. As well as the families that we have met along the way. Our lives are so much richer for all of the experiences and people it has introduced us to.
I hope that my kids continue to play nothing makes me happier as a mom then to see my kids play ~ my heart is full. I’m so proud of them both and all they have accomplished. It has been a long enjoyable journey and I wouldn’t change one minute for anything!!

To all the kids they have played with over the years please know that we follow you. We may not be right there in the stands but we follow all of you. We cheer you on and every success we are right there with you proud of your accomplishments and right there with you encouraging you to push through the tough times!
I would just like to say thank you! Thank you to the families, players and coaches. Without all of you we wouldn’t have had the experiences and memories. Without these my kids wouldn’t be the people that they are today you have helped shape and mold them to the people that they have become. I’m very proud of you Brock Bronson Jade Bronson