Club Hockey Canada Facebook Chat & Giveaway
How do you wear your Canadian Pride?
And would you like to win a little Canadian Pride?
I am super pumped because Club Hockey Canada is partnering with us for a Facebook Chat on Monday, March 31st at 1:00pm EST. We’ll be talking about all things Club Hockey Canada, and we’ll be giving away some great Club Hockey Canada gear, and…wait for it…a signed and autographed Dion Phaneuf hockey stick!
How do you enter?
1) Well first, you have to be registered to Club Hockey Canada, so sign up HERE if you are not already a member. Every child registered to minor hockey in Canada can register for Club Hockey Canada.
2) Fill out the entry form HERE and submit a question for Club Hockey Canada and enter to win a Dion Phaneuf autographed stick! It might be answered during our chat! A
3) Join us on FACEBOOK at 1:00 Monday, March 31st! And be ready to participate.
We will also be giving away an assortment of Club Hockey Canada Gear ~ as the proud owner of some gear I can tell you it’s awesome!
Club Hockey Canada is the exclusive online destination for Canadian hockey players, their parents, coaches and officials, brought to you by Hockey Canada and its Member Branches. When you go online and activate your membership using your Club Hockey Canada card number, you are then able to:
Buy everyday items like gas, groceries and sporting equipment in Hockey Canada’s online store and earn dollars off of registration fees and team fundraising. Each PUCK BUCK raised is worth $1 and can be redeemed towards registration fees and team fundraising!
Take advantage of exclusive offers from leading national brands that you will only get through Club Hockey Canada.
Enter contests for your chance to win trips, tickets, free gear, and more!
Visit the Club Hockey Canada Blog – your one-stop for behind the scenes Hockey Canada content!
So be sure to RSVP for our Club Hockey Canada Facebook Chat! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Comments or questions? Email us at contactus@canadianhockeymoms.ca or leave a message on our Facebook Page.