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Hockey Moms Can Shop and Save Money at the Same Time!

Three of my favourite things are shopping, saving money, and receiving things in the mail. I’m serious. So, when I can combine all three of those things I am especially happy.

Today I wanted to share with you some shopping I recently did, how it helped me save money, and something I received in the mail (= triple happiness!).

Recently, because I shop at Sport Chek all the time, I went to the Club Hockey Canada website and purchased two $50 Sport Check gift cards. Just by making these purchases, I saved $20 in Puck Bucks that can be used towards hockey registration costs for next year.


Through the Club Hockey Canada store, you can purchase items and receive “Puck Bucks”. So, for example for each $50 Sport Check card purchased, you get $10 in puck bucks (so because I bought two at $50, I get $20 in puck bucks). There are lots of items available online that you can purchase and build up your puck bucks (such as Lowe’s gift cards), and the options are growing and changing all the time.

Everyone registered in minor hockey in Canada is a member of Club Hockey Canada, so I highly suggest checking out your options online! Me? I’ll be heading to Sport Check soon and I’ll be using my gift cards to purchase some equipment for my daughter, and I’ll feel good doing it knowing that I have already saving money for next year!

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