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Tying Skates Takes its Toll, but there may be a Canadian Solution

I’ve asked the question before, “How many sets of skates does a hockey mom tie in one year of hockey”. For me, it’s at LEAST two sets three (or more) times a week. That’s on the low end. …it gets much worse than that, and I’m not including my own skates that get laced up at least 3 times a week as well. This incessant skate tying, coupled with the cold weather and dry arenas means that my hands, especially my right index finger and thumb for some reason, end up rough and chapped, and painful.

So, when I received an email from George’s Cream, a Canadian based company that specializes in skin cream for dry skin, asking me to try out their product, I said I’d be happy to. After all, I’ve tried lots of things to try to get rid of this dry skin of mine. I was interested to learn that the product was named after “George”, a pharmacist who was asked by a dermatologist to create a rich moisturizing cream for dry skin.  The product worked so well, it’s now being sold in stores across Canada!

In hopes that the Special Dry Skin Cream would help out my already cracked hands and sore cuticles (and it was only October at the time – a long season ahead of us), I used George’s special dry skin cream for a week. Coincidentally, my daughter’s eczema flared up on her legs at the same time, so I used it on that as well!

I’m pleased to say that after a week of at least daily (sometimes more) use, there is a noticeable difference in my cuticles (they don’t hurt anymore), and my hands feel softer and smoother to the touch. My daughter’s eczema has also diminished noticeably after just a few applications of the cream. And, I found the cream to be virtually odourless, and though the Special Dry Skin Cream is thicker than others I have used, it has a relatively non-greasy feel and absorbs rather quickly.  On top of that, its simple packaging makes it something my husband (notorious for dry hands in the winter due to his refusal to wear gloves) might give a try.

So, if you see George’s Cream in your local pharmacy, grocery retailer, or convenience store, and you have chronic dry hands through the winter like I do, don’t hesitate to give it a try! And, if you are interested in winning a George’s Cream gift bag (pictured above) so you can try it out yourself, sign up HERE for a chance to win! And if you have the chance, drop by the George’s Cream Booth (Booth #613) at the National Women’s Show in Toronto (Metro Toronto Convention Centre) November 11-13, 2011.

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