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We Want Your “Go-To” Meal Recipes!

Every Hockey Mom has their “Go-To” meals, those meals that come to mind every time you are in a pinch and need something fast, or something easy, or something to take to a hockey pot-luck (or all of the above!)

Many of you have written in to ask us about hockey meals for Hockey Moms. Hockey Mom in Canada is now collecting “Go-To” recipes for meals from Hockey Moms to post on

Your recipes could fit into the following categories:

  1. Quick and Easy

  2. Make Ahead Meals

  3. Healthy Snacks

  4. Meals that can be made easily by hockey players

  5. Portable meals or meals that can be eaten “on the go” (or in the car)

  6. Large quantity meals (for hockey pot-lucks or tournaments)

You can submit your recipes to

So, Hockey Moms, let’s hear from you, so we can “Go-To” a whole new level!

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